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Blue Label Motherfuckers

I wanna say thanx to baby, for being so fuckin beautyful.(Away)
I wanna say thanks to my beautiful fairy, your're my life! (Sweet)
Creeping Death! (Metal)
Então, é noite do scotch natalino, a gente tomou um Blue Label e estamos muito loucos. Preciso comer alguém (Sweet)

Crisantemo... you`re the hotest
Pequena ninja... alta producao de semen pra sua pessoa (Away)

Still Creeping Death (Metal)

Well, this is one of thje best fuckin' nights ever, we're watching Metallica and drinking heavy, thanks God! (Sweet)

Personagem do Chico Anisio que sò o Metal lembra o nome...esse sim....)

Karlos Kafunga... .(Metal)
8,7,6,5,4,3... (Metal)

Take a look to the sky just before you die!! (Sweet)

Wikileaks my dick..viva o Maskate de Manaus!!!
Bebado assim sô dâ vonmtade de comer my baby!!! (Away)

My God, I'm so drunk... muthafucka!!
Quench my thirst with gasoline (Sweet)
